Boulter View

snowmobiles at boulter view - virgil knapp

Located on the north edge of Algonquin Park outside of Bonfield (on the BF205) is another stunning vista and great place to stop and see the incredible terrain in the area—and you don’t even have to get off your snowmobile to see this one, you can ride right to the top!

Amazing to think that this was once all underwater. Click here for a 360° view from the top.

Devil's Canyon

Looking down into Devils Canyon Explorers Snow Tour

On OFSC trail BF205, you’ll find a unique geomorphological feature carved by the waters of the receding glacier about 10,000 years ago. It’s a complete drop-off. Besides being a dangerous spot to lose your footing, there are Algonquian legends about this spot being home to Wendigos, powerful monsters with a desire to kill and eat their victims. Listen for the winds howling through the canyon.

Stepping Stones

snowmobiles at stepping stones on explorers snow tour northeastern ontario

About 15 kilometres east of North Bay (as the crow flies) there's a band of large boulders stretching most of the way across a narrow section of the Mattawa river. 10,000 years ago, as ice retreated, these rocks were left exposed. They were known as a location marker for voyageurs and Indigenous travellers along this historic trading route.

To get there from North Bay, start on the SSR711 to connect with the D Trail. Head north till you get to the A1 and follow it until the river narrows. They'll be on your left.

Redbridge Lookout

snowmobiler at Redbridge Lookout - Explorers Snow Tour

The 4th point of interest on the Explorers Snow Tour is another lookout—an incredible one. This very spot was once a beach!

Like so many stops on this tour, it's pretty easy to get to. Redbridge Mountain is about 7 kilometres east of the Village of Redbridge on OFSC Trail #NB304. Bring your camera!

Purdy Mica Mine

sledder at Purdy Mica Mine

Point of Interest #3 on the Explorers Snow Tour is the old Purdy Mica Mine. Bring a flashlight and leave your helmet on—it can get pretty slippery in the winter. You’ll find it on the A112A OFSC snowmobile trail. It’s very well signed as it lies on the boundary between the North Bay Snowmobile Club and the Mattawa and Area Snowmobile Club. It’s also located on private property, so practice proper trail etiquette—pack out what you pack in.

Bird's Eye View

snowmobiles at birds eye view - explorers snow tour

Point of Interest #2 on the Explorers Snow Tour is the Bird's Eye View. From up here, you can see how the glacier that went through here 10,000 or so years ago shaped the land. A must for anyone sledding in the area, you'll find it a few kilometres north of Mattawa on the A112A OFSC trail.

Explorer's Point

snowmobile at big joe mufferaw statue mattawa museum explorers point

At first glance, the small log building situated on Mattawa’s Explorer’s Point seems unassuming—especially since it’s dwarfed by a 16-foot carved wooden statue of the town’s folk hero, Big Joe Mufferaw, standing just outside. But walk through the doors of the Mattawa & District Museum and you've just entered a treasure chest of historic wonders.

New Burger Planet

Burger Logo

New Burger Planet is the new iconic place in Timmins, Ontario. Come and enjoy mouth-watering fresh burgers along with fries, chicken wings, sandwiches and more. Not limited to just burgers and fries, they also offer variety of appetizers, beverages, shakes, salads, chicken and fish.

Chief Commanda II

CC 2 Cruiser

The Chief Commanda II is a 320-passenger, all-aluminium twin-hull vessel that cruises at a speed up to 13 knots or 25 km/h. The ship is equipped with two bars, handicap accessible washrooms, snack bar, and open-air BBQ. There are 5 cruises, ranging from 1.5 hours to 4.5 hours.

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