Minaki Yurt Adventures
Minaki Yurt Adventures has been established since 1992 and has had visitors from all over North America and the world. Whatever your lifestyle, Minaki is the ideal place to enjoy a variety of exercise and enjoy the great outdoor playground of the boreal forest. With a 20 km trail system that begins right on site. Spend the day exploring by ski, bike or boat and spend the night in a cozy yurt. The main site offers a wood fired Sauna to help rejuvenate you and afterwards you can cook up a pizza in the wood fired pizza oven.
Miller Fuels Ltd
Mike's Mart
McDonald's Restaurant - Sault Ste. Marie, Bay Street
Mark's Breakfast Plus
Marathon C of C and Visitor Centre
The Marathon Information Centre/Gchi-Waaswaaganing is fully staffed and operated from mid-May through to the end of September. The building is designed to reflect the communities in which it serves and highlights the vast history of the region. Local artisan works are displayed and available for purchase.