Discover Geraldton Interpretive Centre

The centrepiece of a massive mine reclamation project, the Discover Geraldton Interpretive Centre (GIC) opened its doors in July 2000 to offer visitors a truly unique experience in Northwestern Ontario. Highlighting how the past and present meet in a fantastic interactive heritage display, the GIC attracts hundreds of tourists each year, providing a quick break from their travels down Highway 11.

Group of Seven (Interpretive Panel) - Marathon District Museum and Historical Society

interpretive panel marathon museum

Your Group of Seven experience continues along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Stop by the Marathon District Museum and Historical Society to hear local stories and see photographs related to the Group of Seven. A Moments of Algoma Group of Seven Interpretive installation just outside the Museum, frames how the rugged coastline has been immortalized and permanently captured on canvas by multiple members of the Group.

Duke Hunt Historical Museum

Duke Hunt Historical Museum

Located on Rosslyn road, the Duke Hunt Historical Museum (formerly known as the Paipoonge Museum) preserves the memory of early settlers, showing the hardships and pleasures they experienced in their new community. Named Duke Hunt after the original curator H.K. Hunt, it reflects his passion to preserve local history and generous collection donations of his own artifacts.  The museum was created in a spare room in the Slate River School and later the present building was erected to house the museum collection.

David Thompson Astronomical Observatory

David Thompson Astronomical

Stargazers will thrill at viewing the Universe courtesy of real-time and recorded images of fascinating celestial activity, it’s great for astronomy buffs, community groups and students. The David Thompson Astronomical Obserbatory is located at Fort William Historical Park beside the Visitor Centre.

Alexander Henry Museum Ship

Alexander Henry

Climb aboard and adventure into the past on the Alexander Henry Museum Ship. This ice-breaking, buoy tending lighthouse supply ship that was built right here in Thunder Bay! Touch history and be guided on one of our interactive tours. The Alexander Henry can be found on Thunder Bay's waterfront at Pool Six at Prince Arthur's Landing

Thunder Bay Art Gallery

Thunder Bay Art Gallery

The Thunder Bay Art Gallery is the largest public gallery between Sault Ste. Marie and Winnipeg. The Gallery's Permanent Collection includes over 1600 works, the vast majority of which are traditional Woodland art, making it one of the most significant collections of Indigenous art in Canada. The Gallery presents more than 20 exhibitions by regional, national, and international artists every year.

Northwestern Ontario Aviation Heritage Centre

Exterior of building with signage

Explore Northwest Ontario's rich aviation history including bush flying and WWII airplanes produced at Canada Car with an impressive collection of photos, memorabilia and personal stories preserved for those interested in either remembering or learning about adventurous times at the Northwestern Ontario Aviation Heritage Centre.

Thunder Bay Military Museum

Thunder Bay Military Museum

A tri-service - Navy, Army and Air Force - museum, with a selection of paintings from the Georg Hoegel Art Collection, displays of weapons, uniforms, and much more!

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