Comité Municipal de Laniel

Lake front at sunset

The Laniel area is a vacation paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, with 600 sq. km of natural beauty. The village of Laniel is nestled in a lovely bay on Lake Kipawa, with its 1000 islands and 1600 km of shoreline. A unique experience awaits you in this enchanting resort area. The picturesque village of Laniel is only a 5-hour drive from Ottawa or Toronto. A nautical stop is now available for people who want to rent a dock for the season or stop for a day.

Récré-eau des Quinze

Sun shine through the trees

Free admission recreotouristic site that provides 6 marked hiking trails covering a distance of 25 km complete with footbridges, picnic tables, scenic points and parking. The difficulty level of hiking trails varies from easy to intermediate. Note that Récré-eau des Quinze's 27 km shared cycleway « Route des barrages » joins now to Notre-Dame-du-Nord the Route Verte "Ligne du Mocassin".

Musée de Guérin

People viewing the museum

 Guérin Museum immerses you in the life of a Témiscamien village in the 40s and 50s. Discover the highlights of family and social life. influential figures in the community, as well as how these men and women interacted with their natural environment. Also become aware of the major changes that transformed the agricultural world and rural life at the turn of the 1950s.

Le Rodéo du Camion

Trucks racing

The Truck Rodeo is a truck competition, with or without load, which offers a host of competitions, family activities and shows.

Music Fest de Belleterre

People dancing at music fest

The Belleterre MusicFest is a unique festival of its kind. This event, held exclusively outdoors, has an excellent reputation throughout Témiscamingue. We welcome artists near and far from very diverse musical worlds, from pop to rock.

Parc National d’Opemican

sun shining through mist over river

It’s difficult to remain unmoved by such an awe-inspiring place. A paradise for nautical activities, an ideal family destination, a dream location for a walk through the historic heart of log driving—book a stay at the campground and find out for yourself.

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