Le Rodéo du Camion

The Truck Rodeo is a truck competition, with or without load, which offers a host of competitions, family activities and shows.
The Truck Rodeo is a truck competition, with or without load, which offers a host of competitions, family activities and shows.
We are a Haskap and cherry orchard, owned and operated by Yvan Chartrand, Louise Philbin, and family. Located in New Liskeard, Ontario.
Driven by a sense of social responsibility, La Maison Verte's mission is to grow quality plants in greenhouses for reforestation, consumption and landscaping in order to encourage the employment of women in a stimulating work environment where cooperation and innovation are fostered.
The Maple Hill Farm – Ferme côte d’érables Inc.’s story begins quite some time ago. The 35-acre property on which our farm sits has been a hub for social gatherings and community life since the early 20th century. It is an important local landmark, known in our area as the “Despatie Maple Farm – La ferme Despatie”. It is a particularly meaningful place for Northern-Ontarians who, for decades, have come to celebrate the arrival of spring and enjoy the land’s first harvest of the year – pure maple syrup!
In Mattawa's Legion Memorial Park, by the Mattawa River, two plaques remind of the importance of this canoe route. The Mattawa River had been used for millennia by First Peoples before it was first seen by Europeans in the early 17th century. For more than 200 years thereafter, it was one of Canada’s main highways of exploration and commerce.
The La Vase Portage is a 14 km route through unspoiled areas with beaver dams and swamps. The three portages together constitute a key link between the Mattawa River flowing east to Lake Nipissing and the French River flowing west into Georgian Bay.
Leisure Farms produces fresh strawberries, raspberries, corn and pumpkins. Leisure Farms also offers daily, fresh baked pastries such as homemade fruit pies, breads and award winning jams and jellies. Our family farm gives the opportunity for everyone to enjoy fresh air, view beautiful fields full of sweet red berries and the chance to connect with local or newcomers alike. Enjoying a day at our farm is an experience like no other and offers many the chance to unwind, make new friends and appreciate one of the community's best kept secrets.
Located on Hwy 11 East, the Welcome Centre is the place to visit to plan your stay. It is opened all year long from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. During the summer, it is opened from Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on holidays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Our team will be happy to provide all relevant information to your stay regarding the many activities and services provided in our community as well as our region.