Experience Canada's pristine wilderness with a fly-in fishing trip to Excellent Adventures/Cat Island Lodge. Our American Plan lodge, Cat Island Lodge, is located in a remote wilderness overlooking Trout Lake in Northwestern Ontario. We also have 5 outpost camps on Headwaters, Brownstone, Scenic, Lount, and Sumach Lakes. Untouched forests, lakes, and streams await your arrival. Exceptional walleye, northern pike, smallmouth bass, perch and lake trout abound.
Join us at Excellent Adventures/Cat Island Lodge for the adventure of a lifetime. We are proud to provide you with the best accommodations, fine dining, equipment, guiding service, and hospitality. Whether you want a full-service, fly-in American Plan lodge or a fly-in outpost or even fly-in wilderness tent camping, we can help you plan your dream fishing vacation to Canada.
P.O. Box 298 480 Hwy 105
Ear Falls ON P0V 1T0